
General Updates

New Features!

2.41.01: Improved support for 2.5D geometry

This update improves C.Scale's support for 2.5D geometry by extending it's stacked building form to handle cases where a building has multiple masses, but building levels across those masses are not aligned.
One common use case is multiple towers on a shared podium. If one tower contains offices and another housing units, each tower will have different floor to floor heights. Accordingly, "level 16" in the first tower may be at a different vertical datum than "level 16" in the other.
This is now handled by allowing the API to accept nested lists, where each nested list is a "mass" of the building with unique levels. A mass, like any building passed in the stacked form, must have a ground level (
level: 0
) and does not describe architecturally exuberant cantilevers.
A Python Notebook with some common use cases is available on Google Drive.
Regression Summary
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